
Technomad Brings New Energy to Texas School Athletics

The Yellowjackets Stadium installation also includes Berlins on two lightpoles to maximize coverage across the field and the stands

Covenant Communications relies on Technomad’s all-inclusive, outdoor audio solution for batting cages; installation follows several previous sports audio upgrades

BOSTON, May 28, 2013 — Houston-area systems design and integration firm Covenant Communications has gradually transformed sports audio for the Alvin School District in southern Texas in recent years, installing Technomad advanced audio loudspeakers across baseball and softball fields, a large football stadium and other athletic venues to improve quality and coverage.

.Covenant Communications exclusively installs Technomad for Alvin School District athletic fields, including Yellowjackets Stadium at Alvin High School


Covenant Communications extended those audio benefits to the new batting cages at Manvel High School this spring, injecting fresh energy into the arduous drill of batting practice.  The Technomad solution here covers all the bases, bringing together two full-range loudspeakers, an outdoor amplifier and a flexible audio control system.  All components are completely weatherproof for protection against the heat, humidity and moisture of the harsh coastal-area climate.Click for current weather in Alvin!

“Technomad is the only choice for us in the weatherproof loudspeaker category, but we weren’t sure how to power a system in this situation,” said Shawn Mullins, President, Covenant Communications.  “The batting cages are typically designed as a metal structure with a roof, open sides, a chain link fence and nets to catch the balls.  We knew whatever we put out there would be exposed to moisture, severe thunderstorms and occasional hurricane-force winds and rains.  We wanted to find something we could bolt down, plug in and leave alone.”

Mullins quickly discovered the Technomad PowerChiton, a series of compact, weatherproof outdoor amplifier modules that contractors can install outdoors and close to loudspeakers.  The series also now includes the PowerChiton BreakoutBox, a similarly designed module offering accessible microphone and media player connections, audio control and device storage.  The solution removes the need for a separate equipment rack and power source, with a single cable providing direct connection to the amplifier module.

“The PowerChiton was the only option we found outside the conventional mindset,” said Mullins.  “It blends in well with other electrical equipment boxes; most people don’t even realize it’s there.  It also completely eliminated the need for a portable PA system.  We didn’t want to force coaches to roll in an equipment rack every time students wanted music.”

And the students are certainly getting music.  Two Technomad Noho loudspeakers are positioned to the left and right sides, splitting the distance to the center of the cages.  The broad dispersion provides even coverage throughout, immersing batters in the auditory experience.

Mullins used Technomad outdoor yoke mounts to hang the Nohos, citing ease of angling as a major benefit.  “The yokes allow us to tilt the loudspeakers to whatever point we need, and it also saves us the time of custom fabricating mounting equipment,” he said.  “It’s a simple point-blank hang, reinforced with a safety cable.”

Ultimately, the many Technomad installations across the Alvin School District are representative of an organization that takes pride in its sporting programs.  Alvin Memorial Stadium is the showcase of these installations, featuring five Technomad Berlin outdoor loudspeakers – the largest in the company’s portfolio – spreading even coverage of intelligible voice and full-range music across the large venue.

“Sporting programs are very prominent in Texas, and this school district has been aggressive with integrating technology into their venues,” said Mullins.  “And the Technomads have performed very well.  We have had some of their loudspeakers outside in a hostile weather environment for seven or eight years, and we’ve never had any performance issues.”


Technomad LLC, founded in 1995, designs and manufactures loudspeaker systems for the professional audio and security/military technology industries.  The company invented the first reliable full-range weatherproof loudspeaker and now offers nine models ranging in power from 60-watt loudspeakers to 1250-watt subwoofers — most available in Turnkey PA System packages featuring amplifiers, mixers and other signal processing equipment in pre-wired racks.  The company also manufactures a variety of audio infrastructure and communications equipment including playback and recording systems, weatherproof power amplifiers and turnkey remote audio systems.  Contact Technomad at 617-275-8898 or visit http://www.technomad.com for more information.


Covenant Communications exclusively installs Technomad for Alvin School District athletic fields, including Yellowjackets Stadium at Alvin High School