
Scoreboard Sound System at Berry College | Scoreboard PA

Wildcats football stadium Technomad IPA3 Audio System back view
Technomad Berry College Scoreboard - Scoreboard PA System and Scoreboard Audio System from Technomad upgrades ballfield stadium at Berry College.

Berry College of Mount Berry, Georgia recently upgraded the the William R. Bowdoin baseball stadium with a Technomad Scoreboard PA System.  The system features the weatherproof Technomad Berlin HQ loudspeakers, as well as a PowerChiton Waterproof Amplifier module.

“…exceptional Audio quality at any volume level and the coverage area is phenomenal”.

The school’s existing audio front end (signal sources and a multi-channel mixer) was patched to the remote Scoreboard PA System using RDL Twisted Pair signal transmission devices, which Technomad pre-integrated at the factory.   This analog technology delivers CD-quality audio over a single pair of Cat5/6 wiring.

Steve Hill of Berry College writes, “I first was introduced to the Technomad line of products several years ago at the Infocomm show in Orlando. After an informative conversation with the Technomad sales rep, I was excited to try a pair of NOHO enclosures at our soccer/Lacrosse field. Needless to say they performed as well as the Technomad rep had promised, so we decided to try another pair of NOHO’s at the football practice field and they too performed flawlessly. Our latest project was to replace our old baseball field sound system that was attached to the press box and relocate it to the scoreboard. We installed two Berlin’s and a PowerChiton amp, sending the audio signal via CAT6 cable. The system offers exceptional Audio quality at any volume level and the coverage area is phenomenal.  All of this coupled with great technical support from the team at Technomad is what makes Technomad my first choice for Audio”.


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