Application: 70 Volt / Distributed Audio Systems
New: Technomad turn-key complete restaurant/retail PA systems. All-in-one expandable PA systems with loudspeakers, amps, wire, rack. » Read More

Key Features:
- High-quality internal transformers deliver wide-bandwidth audio.
- Brass switch on the back of the cabinet sets power tap
- All models include an 8-Ohm bypass setting
- High Power taps – Vernal has up to 60 watt taps, Vienna and Paris up to 128 watt taps, Soho, Noho, Berlin have available 400 watt transformer option.
Reference Articles about Technomad 70-volt Systems
- Technomad at the Zussman Urban Combat Training Center
- Technomad at the US Olympic Bobsled Facility
- Technomad at the Dolphin Mall, Miami
MP Series:
- Vernal T (60 watt 70-volt loudspeaker)
- Vienna T (128 watt 70-volt loudspeaker)
- Paris T (128 watt 70-volt loudspeaker)
AS Series
All models can be converted to 70-volt by ordering a high powered internal transformer option - Soho (400 watt 70-volt subwoofer – ordered as standard Soho + 300W transformer option)
- Noho (400 watt 70-volt loudspeaker – ordered as standard Noho + 300W transformer option)
- Berlin (400 watt 70-volt high efficiency loudspeaker – ordered as standard Berlin + 300W transformer option)
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