
Amazing Stadium and Pool Project, Ethiopia

Remarkable photos shared by our importer in Ethiopia.  An array of Noho Ci and Berlin loudspeakers provide audio for the brand-new Woldiya Stadium.  The stadium has a capacity of 25,600, and was completed in late 2016. [ Have a smaller stadium that needs audio?  Check out our Turn-Key Stadium PA Systems. ]

The Ethiosport blog writes “construction of the stadium will create opportunities for Woldia to host national and international competitions as it meets FIFA and IAAF requirements.

The Stadium has 10 entrance gates, a swimming pool, an eight lane competition track as well as basketball, handball, volleyball and tennis courts.

The facility also offers a world class lap swimming pool, and a competition level diving platform – both with Technomad audio systms as well.

These loudspeakers traveled a long way from our South Deerfield factory – over 6730 miles (10831 km).


EthioSports Article about the Stadium

Noho Ci Stadium Loudspeaker Page (with more photos)

Berlin 15H Stadium Loudspeaker Page