Selected Customer Comments and Videos
“Wondering how long my Vernal 15 loudspeakers last?… Mine are 15 years old, never been inside.”
– Customer via Web Chat
“We installed two Berlin loudspeakers and a PowerChiton amp, sending the audio signal via CAT6 cable. The system offers exceptional audio quality at any volume level and the coverage area is phenomenal. Great technical support. Technomad is my first choice for Audio.”
– Steve, Berry College
“Wondering how long my Vernal 15 loudspeakers last?… Mine are 15 years old, never been inside.”
– Customer via Web Chat
“It’s awesome. We love it. Very loud and clear. Super easy to install. Great!” – Peter S., Athletic Director American School Panama (Stadium PA System)
Tropical outdoor stadium installation.
Pat Divietro writes: “Your speakers are great! Sill going strong. Thanks for a wonderful product.”

“Everything came in fine, and on time. Basic set-up: Two Berlins on top of a press box for a High School football field. The coach was curious, to say the least, about replacing their multi-horn PA with ‘JUST’ the two Berlins; that is, until I got things hooked up and going. ‘Oh, my!’ was just about the only thing he could get out of his mouth. Thanks again for your products…”
– Ray at Tru-Sound, Stamford TX
“Dan, before the game last night I shot this video… Really shows how outstanding this system is. I am on the 50 yard line and almost on the center of the field. Just listen to the clarity AND how loud it is! Awesome! Thanks again Dan, I really appreciate everything you did for us. The crowd was so into the game, the atmosphere was just OUTSTANDING, thanks to y’all!”
– Client of Technomad Dealer ESS Nashville
” I wanted to send a quick note thanking your staff for excellent customer service that I received over the Summer. Your Vernal’s rocked the place! I just sent your link on to a few friends with a strong recommendation to buy due to the outstanding quality.”
– Dave Speiser, Beavercreek, OH
“Dear Technomad, we installed two Noho loudspeakers on the pressbox in our football stadium to replace some old horn loudspeakers that provided little sound from our scoreboard. The Nohos provide full sound with a punch for our home crowd and ample sound for our visiting fans. I was thoroughly impressed by their performance. I would highly recommend them for anyone seeking quality outdoor PA loudspeakers for their athletic stadiums, concert/rec areas, etc. Thank you for providing a new level of enjoyment to our community.”
– Stacy Abbott of Alvord Middle School, Texas
“Dear Technomad, I am writing to compliment you on an exceptional product. Six Vernal 15 loudspeakers were installed in the new fire sprinkler test facility at Tyco. The area is also used as a training facility for classes of between 20 to 50 persons. The space is constantly exposed to high humidity as well as having the worst possible acoustic characteristics. I don’t believe I could have found a more suitable sound reinforcement solution than the Technomad Vernal 15. We have been using them for approximately 2 months with a wireless microphone system and they have performed flawlessly. Thanks again.” – Doug Pagano, Tyco Fire & Building Products, RI
“I purchased a couple of Technomads 3 years ago on a friends’ recommendation. These babies kick butt! I have an 8 piece special event band and carry my own sound (3 different systems) and I still can’t believe how good these things sound. Thanks for making me a Technomad believer.”
– Joey Scott & the Connection
“Hello Technomad, we recently completed a sound upgrade at Club Med‘s Cancun village using many Technomad products such as Vernal 15, Noho C, Berlin 15/H and Chicago 15/12 subwoofers. We love the obvious ruggedness and generally high sound quality of everything we have had our hands on from Technomad, but I would like to especially draw attention to a couple of products that we feel are simply outstanding in every way: the Vernal and the Chicago. The Vernal speaker has helped us to deliver audiophile sound quality in a large open air restaurant that is ocean side. The projection and fidelity offered allowed us to use far fewer speaker locations than would have been required by any other solution we tested, resulting in far fewer phasing issues that happen when one must use a large number of individual loudspeakers placed closely around the periphery of the building. The sound is ENTIRELY consistent from seat to seat. No other product we tested delivered results anywhere close. The Vernal is now our default restaurant/lobby speaker regardless of environmental conditions. We are also particularly impressed with the Chicago subwoofer. We have auditioned nearly every off the shelf dual 15″ bass enclosure, and we also make our own custom units which are very high quality. Anyone can make a bass box capable of high SPL, and make it very rugged. I must say, the Chicago is one of the most musical bass enclosures we have ever come across, ‘ruggedized’ or not. It is truly a breath of fresh air to get MUSICAL results in the first couple of fundamental octaves. This musical performance also makes for a very easy crossover solution matching a wide variety of tops. We recommend the Chicago anywhere a pleasant-to-listen-to bass performance is required (live theater instantly springs to mind), don’t think of these as simply being tough.”
– Bill Weir of Core Audio, Huntersville, NC

“We used 4 of your Berlin series to replace a dilapidated 70 volt system that was the butt of jokes for years. The stadium seats 8000and the new system covers the home side with fidelity, and without killing them, hits the visitors side also. We uses 2 QSC 2.0HV’s to power the boxes with 750 Watts each into 8 Ohms. From the mixer, we run the whole system through a Behringer digital cross-over for eq and limiting. The whole system runs through a Furman AS-120 sequence power center with a key on lock. Simple, self-sufficient, sounds great. But remember this is Louisiana! Summers 45 days + at 100 degrees F. Fall will rain for 2 1/2 weeks straight. Winters with freezing rain. And ANYTIME of year the humidity hovers about at 95%. Your Stuff is the best.”
– Pat Divietro Airline Vikings Bossier City, LA
See photos of this installation by clicking here“We have completed many projects requiring specially prepared, weatherized loudspeakers. We wished we had a line of loudspeakers like Technomad for past projects, just from the economy aspect of the job.”
– Greg Kirkland, Thomas-Gregor Associates
“We wanted a system that provided the full range of sound and one that was powerful enough to cover a rowdy crowd of 6,000. There were no stadiums in our region that were using Technomads, so we had no way of sampling their capabilities. We had heard through the ‘grapevine’ that we should give Technomad a try. We selected 4 Noho C’s… When the loudspeakers came in, I just flat out said these are not big enough to throw sound across the field. All four loudspeakers were installed on the home side, as recommended by Technomad. We turned it on and cranked it up and it was like, WOW! Simply put, unbelievable. When you come to a football game, no matter where you are at in the stadium, you clearly can hear the announcer. The music sounds great. One teenager said, ‘the new PA was like a rock concert on the 10th row.’ The home team says ‘Thanks Technomad!’ -the visiting team is not near as thankful.”
– Mark Grant C/O Dyersburg High School Dyersburg, TN
“…the promoter of the event went up to the stage to do the raffle, she walked up to the mic, “testing” and pulled back saying, ‘oh, my.’ I don’t think she’d had sound that good before. They’re still talking about it.” – Paul Mikalauskas Professional Audio-Video Services

“Gentleman, Ladies – I want to take this opportunity to thank you for developing the Vernal 15 loudspeaker. I have been in the entertainment industry for 17 years, and now own a small audio consultant, design and installation company. One of my most high profile projects over the last couple of years has been the installation of the sound systems for the Alamo in San Antonio. The install had to meet stringent criteria for aesthetic appeal. The outdoor systems had to be small enough to hide, but loud enough to cover large areas, Vernal 15’s were used to accomplish this feat of the semi-hidden loudspeakers in the trees, and under the overhangs of historic buildings on the grounds of the Alamo. Not only did they meet the scrutiny of the curator of the Alamo, they have also met my criteria for audio performance. The units have been in those trees for well over a year now and have yet to show any signs of audio degradation, despite the Texas weather. Thanks for a well designed product and excellent service; it sure makes my job easier.”
– Dan Poteete San Antonio, TX
“Well, I’m your next convert! Two weeks ago I used 2 Berlins and 2 Noho’s. The Noho’s, mounted on top of poles in the back of my pickup truck covered an entire ski area parking lot with over 3000 people present! I was dumbfounded. This was at the start of the race, when I drove to the finish to fire up the Berlins, i was again stupified by the sound they produced. The best part was when it began pouring and I was under my tent just carrying on with my normal announcing and music and i did not have to go sprinting for bags to protect the loudspeakers! It rained sooo hard the finish line was under 3 inches of water. I love the Technomads.”
– Jonathan Couture, Vermont
“I have finished the baseball and track field installations using the Paris 616. They worked extremely well for the venue. Once again the client was thrilled. Thanks for the great product as always.”
– Jon Bannan The College of New Jerseyand…“Just wanted to send you a email thanking you for your help during our speaker purchasing time. I just completed the installation in The College of New Jersey’s football stadium. I must be honest, never hearing the cabinets before and seeing how small they were in comparison to the stadium I was a little worried. But as soon as I powered up the amplifier rack I was AMAZED. Those boxes absolutely amazed me. My boss was very happy. The Athletic department was blown away by the sound that the Noho’s produce. They responded extremely well to my changes on the eq. As I walked the field and the seating I could not find a single hot spot. It was complete, even distribution. The problem they had before was people off the campus could hear the announcer and or their music which resulted in many complaints. As soon as I step outside of the complex the sound dies to a nominal level. This resulted in no complaints our opening day. All I can say is that I have a large number of facitlites that I will be retro-fitting this year. I am absolutely going to be installing your loudspeakers. It is hands down. Thanks again for all of your help with this project and we will be talking soon. Thanks PS. feel free to post this or use us as a reference. I will gladly recommend your products.”
– Jon Bannan The College of New Jersey
“The Technomads go into some of the harshest and abusive environments on a cruise ship and no one ever complains about them. We hear about every piece of equipment, but we normally have to ask, ‘How are the Technomads holding up?,’ and the answer is always, ‘They are working great.’”
– Greg Dunn, WaveLength Systems Design
“The fact that Technomads are built to withstand just about anything is fantastic.” – Clayton Chamberlin, Audio Consultant
“When I use the Technomads, I find I need only about half the amount of loudspeakers than with other brands. The coherency and linearity is fantastic. Gain before feedback is incredible and dispersion is mindboggling.”
– Joe Klein, Corporate Sound & Lighting
“Wednesday night I attended a concert by the Irish band “Solas” at the Union Colony Civic Center in Greeley, CO. The band had one of the best mixes I have ever heard for an acoustic act. The UCCC is a theatre that seats 750+ people with two balconies. On each side of the stage were stacks of four little Technomad loudspeakers. They were some of the most natural sounding loudspeakers I have ever heard. As a live sound engineer myself, who usually leaves a concert thinking I could have done a better job, that’s high praise. Please send a full line catalog.”
– Paul Honeycutt Stone Soup Enterprises, Fort Collins, CO
“I just got off the Vistafjord-Cunard Lines, where 4 of your Noho loudspeakers were just installed on the back deck. The system is sub-mixed from the disco which over looks the back deck. Our first test of the system was Easter morning with the sunrise service taking place on the back deck. I know not exactly a stunning way to show off the new loudspeakers, but don’t worry, the DJ and I gave it a thorough test and let me tell you, it blew everyone away. The Disc Jockey thought they were too small to cover the whole deck. He’s a believer now, trust me. I did manage to get some pictures for you. You’ve got yourselves another satisfied customer.” – Derek Warner, C-Deck

“Dear Technomad, as a designer installer I have worked with countless number of speaker products over the past 15+ years but very few that are weather-proof. So while a recent outdoor installation requirement called for a great sounding speaker that could handle the changing seasons of the Northeast, I had but a few options. One option of course was Technomad, in this case the Vernal 15. I couldn’t be any happier with the choice! While they are the smallest speaker in your offering, they don’t sound like small loudspeakers. The pattern coverage and frequency response for a speaker so small in stature exceeded my expectations. In addition, with as little as 50 Watts, I was able to achieve coverage in excess of 60+ feet from the loudspeakers. They are a small miracle! I will proudly specify Technomad for any future installation requiring weather-proof loudspeakers. Oh and my customers….they’re smiling from ear to ear!”
– Scott D. Hibbard
“We have now completed 2 installations with the Noho, Paris and Vernal models into indoor swimming pool complexes. The Noho’s have been used in cluster arrangement to cover the large reverberant space of these pool halls and I must say the clarity is excellent. The dispersion and coupling between each speaker is smooth with no real hot spots, and the intelligibility is superb even over 30 meters of throw. The efficiency of the Noho’s is providing high output without the need for a huge power amplifier. Thanks for the opportunity to use these loudspeakers.”
– Tim Farrant Engineer Buzz Audio, New Zealand
“Dear Technomad: O.K. You win. The testing phase of the Technomad Berlin installation at a local U.S. Coast Guard base was, is, and forever shall be the most awesome audio experience of my life (and the customer’s)! Words alone can not express the experience of watching the entire base “fall out” to the parking lots, “fall in” formation(s), and snap to attention during the first “live” test. Seems the customer forgot to put the word out and nobody knew it was a test. Most of these people were working inside typical brick, glass, and concrete buildings and were not listening for the signal. However, they heard the sound clearly enough even inside the buildings to recognize it and “fall in” as required in a military environment. The awesome part is that the entire base was covered by only six (6) Technomad Berlin loudspeakers; three each mounted on two RADAR towers located approximately 3/4 of a mile apart! THIS SYSTEM HAS ENDURED TWO HURRICANES WITH NO SOUND RELATED SERVICE CALLS. Quite frankly, I would stake my life on these loudspeakers. After two hurricanes they just hang there; six little dots in the distance waiting for electrical input. I swear they are so far away you have to look for them even when you know where they are. After the system was aligned, we ended up with an unexpected twenty two ft. “wall of sound” in front of the barracks where the low level electronics are located and, with the customers permission, played some short sections from James Brown, and Dave Matthew CDís. Everybody present just stood there shaking their heads in disbelief. If I hadnít been there I would not have believed it. You provided us with the hardware we needed to complete the job on schedule and at a performance level that can only be described as awesome. Thank you for your support.
– Earl Rayfield, Technician Buttons Audio & Video

“In October 1996, Direction Sound/Vision of Los Angeles, California, installed Technomad loudspeakers in scene 12 of the prestigious Jurassic Park attraction in Universal Studios Hollywood. Scene 12, the climacteric indoor section of the America’s largest water-ride, features the world-renown 20 foot tall, animatronic Tyrannosaurus Rex. As originally reported in December 1996, two of the six Technomad Berlin 15/H loudspeakers were installed in the huge mist cloud, one meter in front of the huge, three story tall waterfall. Due to a planned waterfall modification four weeks after the Berlin loudspeakers were installed, a newly routed chute delivers a daily deluge of water over the Berlin loudspeakers. The massive waterfall of Jurassic Park’s scene 12 recirculates 4.2 million gallons of water around the huge animatronic Tyrannosaurus Rex, and directly onto the Technomad Berlin loudspeakers, everyday. Since being installed in the waterfall in October 20, 1996, over 2.5 BILLION gallons of water have poured directly onto the two Technomad Berlin loudspeakers. We are continually amazed the Technomads continue to perform under these conditions. After several weeks, Universal simply decided to leave them in place just to see how long they would last. 21 months later, they are still in perfect working order. Universal is really the proving ground for new products and technology. Universal will either burn it up, blow it up or try to drown it. If a product can survive this environment, it can survive just about anywhere. The Technomad loudspeakers have proven they are survivors.”
– Jim Byron, Direction Sound/Vision
“I’m the sound manager of Pyynikki Summer Theater, the leading open air stage in Finland, and I am willing to endorse your loudspeakers to kingdom come. I honestly can’t think of a better loudspeaker to be used outdoors, they sound excellent and take any weather. Take it from me, we sure do have ‘any weather’ over here.” – Simo Savisaari, Pyynikki Summer Theater, Finland
“In Canada, we have some really harsh weather conditions and a lot of various harsh indoor environments from pools to ice rinks. I cannot suggest a better loudspeaker then Technomad WeatherTechs for these type of applications.”
– Brad Oja, Nat/Com Communications
“If anyone plans on buying any new loudspeakers for their home/commercial stereos or sound systems, email me personally. I’ve recently heard a new system that has changed the way I listen. The Technomad kicks so much ass I don’t have to capitalize it”.
– James Heple

“We have now completed 2 installations with the Noho, Paris and Vernal models into indoor swimming pool complexes. The Noho’s have been used in cluster arrangement to cover the large reverberant space of these pool halls and I must say the clarity is excellent. The dispersion and coupling between each speaker is smooth with no real hot spots, and the intelligibility is superb even over 30 meters of throw. The efficiency of the Noho’s is providing high output without the need for a huge power amplifier. Thanks for the opportunity to use these loudspeakers.”
– Tim Farrant Engineer Buzz Audio, New Zealand
“Dear Technomad, We install Technomad loudspeakers in the ITERA Corporation Headquoter in Moscow in September 1999. This mulizone sound system include six Vernal’s for indoor swimming pool and two Vienne’s 16, which were install directly in the sweating-room of the Russian baths. During 5 months Vienne’s worked in the incredible conditions – extremely high temperature (more than 100C) and 100% humidity. We didn’t think that any kind of equipment can work in that terrible place. And now we know the name of this equipment – Technomad.” – Dmitry Karikh Nagatino Ltd. Moscow, Russia
“Blue Man Group’s show incorporates several elements; paint, water, bananas, twinkies and the occasional drunken audience member. The front-fill system is made up of the military-quality Vienna loudspeaker by Technomad. Housed behind a metal grille in the forestage, these hearty little loudspeakers survive a shower when the deck is washed down between shows and must provide up to 103 dB SPL A-weighted within a half hour after the cleaning! A rigorous testing session in 1996 proved the Vienna to be the most durable compact speaker, without compromising sound quality, on the market. Our strenuous water, flame, drop and impact testing of the durable loudspeakers was not even in the same ballpark as what these loudspeakers withstood during the rigors of load-in and tech rehearsals. Unsuspecting carpenters lag-bolted directly though one of the units in several places; instead of destroying the enclosure, the sound crew simply took a cutting torch on low flame to the ABS outer plastic housing and sealed the enclosure back to its original density. Try that with a birch cabinet!” – Jim Van Bergen, Sound Designer Blue Man Group’s ‘Tubes’
Media Reviews / Mentions

Best New Technology’ Reader’s Poll Award Winner
Live Sound! International Magazine

“These Speakers should stand up to the rigors of rental company use and abuse, or the weather exposure they might get on a tour boat or as partially protected flown loudspeakers in a sports stadium… for durability Technomad is tough to beat… these loudspeakers should last well into the next century.” – Pro Audio Review Magazine

Best New Technology’ Reader’s Poll Award Winner
Live Sound! International Magazine

“This is one speaker well-suited for club use, and you can even load-out in the rain without panic. The weather-resistant packaging will allow you to do that one-off in the park and not have to throw trash bags over your loudspeakers at the first sight of clouds. In fact, the Noho/C will be rocking out tunes long after your most dedicated fans have run for cover.”
– EQ Magazine
“Technomad’s Vienna 16 loudspeaker is the most durable compact speaker, without compromising sound quality, on the market.” – Theater Crafts International Magazine
“By far the best loudspeakers I have found for constant outdoor environment applications are cabinets made by Technomad. Do a search, you’ll find them. Mil-spec stuff, high quality to say the least. The guys who designed them are total pro-audiophile geeks, the guys you want designing this stuff. Great in the rain, on cruise ships, under waterfalls, etc.” –
RustyCNWY Forum
Since 1994, Technomad loudspeakers have become the most talked about line of loudspeakers throughout the pro audio industry, worldwide. The readers of Live Sound InternationalMagazine voted Technomad loudspeakers the BEST NEW TECHNOLOGY of 1996, MIX Magazine called Technomad THE TOP PRODUCT OF THE 1994 & 1995 AES SHOWS & in February 1998,